Writing (in order of appearance)
Artnet: Could biennials show us how to change with the times?
An op-ed for Artnet on reimagining the temporalities and generational impacts of exhibition-making through the lens of the bi- and triennial.
A collaborative essay with Andrea Steves to inaugurate the new publication, MARCH: a journal of art & strategy in May 2020.
A review of Paper Monument’s As Radical, as Mother, as Salad, as Shelter: What Should Art Institutions Do Now? with a view to the potential of the art institution as a site of organizing.
A speculative essay on the failures to combat the structural strategies of the Right as part of “Beyond Survival: Public Support for the Arts and Humanities,” a call for reflections on and provocation about the precarious state of arts funding after decades of neoliberal economics and the long culture wars.
A Dissonance of Parts and People: Publishing from the Provinces
An essay written for the closing series for New Orleans based arts publisher Pelican Bomb on the persistance of “The Provincialism Problem” and the role of arts publications in the provinces.
I interviewed Damon Davis and Katherine Simone Reynolds between their twinned exhibitions at The Luminary in 2018 on everything from the Fela Kuti references in Childish Gambino's "This is America" video to the narrow expectations placed on Black artists (especially in St. Louis). A fragment of those conversations made it into this piece for VICE.
Terremoto: Organization Towards a Commons Co-authored with Stephanie Sherman, this essay in the 11th issues of Terremoto: Contemporary Art in the Americas assesses the first five years of Common Field, from its emergence out of Hand-in-Glove into an unknown future form.
Art in America: Atlas
For the first in a series of essays for Art in America on St. Louis, I argue that following the Ferguson Uprising and subsequent institutional crises, St. Louis now offers a model for the critical reinvention of the art world as a whole.

Museum of Capitalism, published by Inventory Press and the Museum of Capitalism.
An essay on “Art after Capitalism” is included in this new volume for Inventory Press. Edited by FICTILIS with Rose Linke and Eugenia Bell. Texts by FICTILIS, Stephen Squibb, J.K. Gibson Graham, Ingrid Burrington, Steven Cottingham, Lester K. Spence, Heather Davis, Kevin Killian, Jennifer González, Chiara Bottici, Ian Alan Paul, Chantal Mouffe, Calum Storrie, Susannah Sayler & Edward Morris, Lucy Lippard, T.J. Demos, Sasha Lilley, McKenzie Wark, Sarrita Hunn, James McAnally, and Kim Stanley Robinson.

New Constitutions: Institutions After Capitalism In this essay, I consider the post-capitalist institution as a prefigurative force towards commoning and co-instituent practices.

Prefigurative Institutions: a symposium for Louise Dany
This text is an institution. Predicated on Plato’s “Symposium,” this text was presented as an introduction to a symposium on the institution’s relation to love, care, and collectivity.
To Make a Public: Temporary Art Review 2011-16
To Make a Public: Temporary Art Review 2011-2016 is a selected anthology of the first five years of online publication Temporary Art Review and a catalogue of the related exhibition Document V celebrating the same benchmark. Edited by Temporary Art Review founders Sarrita Hunn and James McAnally, To Make A Public offers a singular lens into broader eruptions in artists’ publishing and artistic practice over the past five years as a primary document of our moment through the collected writings of artists, curators, activists and critics.
Arising out of a history of artists’ publications from self-published pamphlets at the earliest Salons through to the seminal magazines of the 1960’s, To Make a Public maps the return of the alternative space movement alongside social and political upheavals since 2011 through commissioned essays, interviews and first-person accounts from many of those directly involved. Published by INCA PRESS and designed by Haynes Riley. The book has been acquired by the library collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Smithsonian Museum of American Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Brooklyn Museum, Baltimore Museum, MICA and more.
What We Think in America is Not Always Clear Essay for Kadist Art Foundation’s Addendum project distributed as ads, with fragments posted in prepper forums, as digital ‘leaks’ and in pseudonymous comments.

Co_temporaries (All my friends are funeral singers)
An experimental elegy for independent spaces that shuttered or shifted form in 2016.

The Game of a Free City (part of Free as in Free...)
Published on the occasion of the 11th Gwangju Biennial.
In collaboration between INCA + Publication Studio.
Including texts by Don Mee Choi, Daisuke Kosugi & Ina Hagen, Cia Rinne, Talena Lashelle Queen, OEI, Klara Glosova, Rae Armantrout, Aeron Bergman & Alejandra Salinas, Mikko Kuorinki, manuel arturo abreu, Matthew Offenbacher, Jacob Wren, US English, Hami Bahadori, Justen Waterhouse.
Screenshot of the Museum of Modern Art’s website collection page for Kelley Walker’s “Black Star Press: Black Star, Black Star Press, Star” (2004) (screenshot by the author for Hyperallergic)
A Call for a Collective Reexamination of Our Art Institutions An essay for Hyperallergic on the unfolding crisis around Kelley Walker’s controversial exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis.
A manifesto for an arts organization we can live in and with
A manifesto written for The Luminary in St. Louis as a guiding document for the founders. Design by Brea Youngblood.
To Move Into Position (first version written for an Open Engagment panel with FIELD Journal at Carnegie Mellon University and re-presented in new form as a performative lecture at INCA, Seattle as US English)

Rewilding: An Emerging History of Common Field
Cover story of Fall 2015 edition of Art Journal, published by CAA.

Monsanto House of the Future
Performance and newsprint publication presented by Pulitzer Arts Foundation and Ballroom Marfa.
After the alternative is another alternative: A radicalization of the artist-run for PHONEBOOK 4 (guest editor + contributor)
I am for an artist who vanishes (performed by an alternate speaker at Open Engagement, Queens Museum)

Site-Conditional Criticism (various)
A selection of experimental texts in which the site of circulation and publication is inseparable from the content. Texts range from an essay in the form of online ads and in a hypothetical neighborhood newsletter, to criticism published on 4chan and Reddit until deleted by administrators.
Further reading: Nation Time (an inauguration playlist), As if You Were There, Under the Paving Stones, #FergusonNext, A pool, a pavilion, a decoy, Collected writing for Temporary Art Review